Jon Gillham

Jon was born in Manchester, UK and have been living in San Francisco, CA since 95. I started diving after meeting Sakae and since then the vast majority of my dives have been around Indonesia, particularly Lembeh Strait. I’ve recently been trying to be a little more artistic with lighting instead of ID style shots as Sakae is already so good at those. There’s still room for plenty of improvement, but I hope you enjoy these as much as I did taking them.

All Lembeh photography was taken diving with NAD Lembeh. Many thanks to all the staff for always making us feel so welcome and for taking care of us. Thanks to Simon & Zee and all the crew.

Equipment: Canon 7DmkII & R5, 100mm macro lens, Nauticam housing, 2 x z330 strobes with various other light shaping.
